Jun 14, 2021 Vas Nair

Your Personal Roadmap For Dealing With Change

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Change, as we’ve heard many times…is the only constant! Be it a professional or personal topic, the change process can be disruptive. But it can often present opportunities. So, the glass is half full NOT half empty! In many instances, the change is out of one’s control. It doesn’t mean you agree with the change or like it…but if you’re faced with working with the change, then it’s prudent to figure out how best to deal with it. Yes, it may require you to get out of your comfort zone.

There are SO many change management models out in the stratosphere and to keep it simple, let’s look at it from inside out. In other words, what are some straightforward steps you can take when a change is underway. For instance, there could be a new leader in the company or a different way to manage client relationships or the introduction of new technology. The bottom line is – there may be aspects to the situation that require a small alteration or a big transformation

So, here are some tips:


Obtain information about what the change is; who it impacts; the milestones and the timeline. What’s the purpose of the change? Ask questions and even if all the answers are not available, make sure you know how to be kept in the loop. Constant communication is key to any successful change initiative.


What’s In It For Me? Get details about how the change impacts your role and your team. Maybe it doesn’t! Or, you might have a role to play in the change process. Getting clarity to align your role with the overall purpose for the change is important. From here, you’ll be able to set new goals or update your plan to best address the change.


Standing on the sideline is not a good strategy! Ask your manager how you can support the change. Get up to speed on what’s required and look for coaching or advice from others who have been through a change process. Be proactive.


Developing skills to stay ahead is a definite plus in a change initiative. Educate yourself. Any additions to your skills will stand you in good stead now and come in handy when you’re faced with something similar in the future. If improvements are needed within the team, step forward if you’re able to assist.


Always assess and evaluate how you’re dealing with and performing within the change process. Evaluate how you’re doing against your goals and get feedback from others. It could be feedback about your progress or feedback for improvement. All of this adds to improving your capabilities.


Always celebrate the wins! Even small wins deserve to be recognized.

In a nutshell – don’t take a back seat when you’re introduced to change. If you’re given the chance to be part of a change program, step forward to get the information and do your best to be part of it. One day you’ll look back and appreciate how much you took away from the experience. Be part of it and not have it simply happen to you!

Giraffe HR App - Creators Vas Nair and Sobha Nair

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We’re Vas and Sobha Nair, two sisters that have lived and breathed all aspects of human resources for over 50 years between us. Giraffe was born from our global experience coaching leaders and business owners navigate the same tricky workplace issues and discussions that you face. We know the best practices and proven processes that help turn workplace conflict on its head – and we want to share all of this and more with you in Giraffe.

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