Self Development

What do People Look for In a Leader?

24 February 2024

Understanding what people look for in a leader can be helpful on the journey of continuous improvement, and creating stronger teams. Let’s dive into some important qualities of great leaders. Here at Giraffe, our mission is to help ensure that leaders are well-equipped and prepared. Click here to learn how the Giraffe app can help…

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4 Things to Keep in Mind When Starting a New Role

22 January 2024

Joining a new team can be both refreshing and daunting! This is a new beginning with so much potential to make an impact and grow in your career. However, you can also feel pressure when meeting new people and adapting to new environments. This is especially true in remote teams. Today we’ll dive into some…

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The Vital Role of Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Management

25 September 2023

In the world of corporate level disagreements there are competing aspects that contribute to collaborative and successful work environments. Not always immediately identifiable, Emotional Intelligence is one of the many tools that managers and employees use to help facilitate a growth oriented culture.  Identifying where you fall on the measurement scale of EQ matters in…

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The Benefits Of Embracing A Tough Assignment

24 July 2023

We sometimes shy away from a tough job or task because we fear the unknown, don’t want to fail, doubt our capabilities, or look for other excuses not to sign up. There might be a conflict within you – should I or shouldn’t I do this? If you’re serious about your career advancement, there’s a…

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Taking on a new role by Giraffe HR

You Don’t Always Have The Answers

13 February 2023

Hey, it could be your first job, trekking along a different career path, or even a promotion. These can be exciting opportunities, which can also be unsettling. Regardless of your time at a company, taking on a new role will present uncertainties – which can range from a new team (or new Boss!), relocating to…

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Tips To Design A Strong Mentoring Partnership

09 December 2022

I’ve had a mentor for most of my career, explains Lin, an architect in a mid-sized firm in downtown Chicago. When I first entered the workforce, I found it super challenging to find a job that I could get my teeth into. After years of doing it on my own, and 2 unsuccessful career choices,…

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A city scape at night time with shadows of people networking

Get Networking!

24 October 2022

Intellectually, I think we all know the tremendous benefits of networking. However, many people also shy away, and don’t fully take advantage of it. There are a variety of reasons for it – ‘I don’t have the time.’; ‘I won’t know anyone there.’; ‘I feel uneasy in a crowd.’; ‘I won’t know what to say’.…

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Showing a superhero business leader representing leaders in business or a work

LEADERSHIP MYTHS Part 2: Turning them into learning opportunities

23 September 2022

Leaders, like the rest of their employee population, have preferred styles when it comes to communicating, building relationships, how they work to achieve their goals, and resolving conflict. As they expand their skills and knowledge, they will lean into what’s worked well for them in the past. In this second part, I want to continue…

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Using mindfulness to help with conflict

Mindfulness And Working Through Conflict  

24 May 2022

Dealing with the uncertainty and stressful emotions in any conflict can unto itself be a barrier to solving it. Perhaps its why many people tend to put it off or not ever deal with a difficult scenario. However, ignoring it might lead to even bigger problems such as uncomfortable interactions with others, a breakdown in…

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Resiliance: Tiny office stuffers resting and working in the giant hands. Employee care, personnel benefits, support and professional growth concept.

Resilience And Evolving With It

27 September 2021

No different from the challenges in our personal lives, setbacks and difficult scenarios at work can sometimes feel like a kick in the teeth! We all have stories and stressors that range in intensity – for instance, missing out on that job, conflict with a colleague, disappointing feedback from the boss, losing a client, mistakes…

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