
Healing Workplace Friction

20 May 2024

Why does poor communication happen in the first place? Sometimes it’s as simple as misunderstandings or differences in communication styles. Other times, it’s the result of conflicting schedules or priorities, and maybe fear of confrontation.  Things can become emotional when relationships are strained. Practicing emotional intelligence (EI) is key here. EI refers to one’s ability…

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Two men in front of a computer in an office

Navigating Conflict Within The Multigenerational Workforce

05 September 2023

In a bustling corporate realm, a diverse group of mid-level managers found themselves at the helm of an extraordinary challenge – managing a multigenerational workforce. Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and even Gen Zers converged, each with their unique perspectives, work habits, expectations and values. Little did these managers know that within this symphony of…

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The Benefits Of Embracing A Tough Assignment

24 July 2023

We sometimes shy away from a tough job or task because we fear the unknown, don’t want to fail, doubt our capabilities, or look for other excuses not to sign up. There might be a conflict within you – should I or shouldn’t I do this? If you’re serious about your career advancement, there’s a…

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Lady sitting at a desk, she's leaning on her elbow and looking up with arrows and light bulbs every where

Problem Solving Takes More Than Guesswork

24 April 2023

‘Engage the right people to help you solve a problem’. It’s not rocket science, however, it’s alarming to see how unprepared people are when they set out to solve an issue. This may be due to not knowing where to start; the conflict or problem has grown to be a bigger one; or a  busy…

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Using mindfulness to help with conflict

Mindfulness And Working Through Conflict  

24 May 2022

Dealing with the uncertainty and stressful emotions in any conflict can unto itself be a barrier to solving it. Perhaps its why many people tend to put it off or not ever deal with a difficult scenario. However, ignoring it might lead to even bigger problems such as uncomfortable interactions with others, a breakdown in…

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Dealing with Conflict: Close,Up,Of,African-american,And,Caucasian,Human's,Hands,While,Gesturing.

If You’re NOT Dealing With Conflict…Make It A Priority!

24 January 2022

We’ve all encountered situations that have some element of conflict. Maybe it was due to differences of opinions or a lack of communication resulting in poor decision making. Conflict can also bring with it tension and emotional reactions such as anger, frustration, fear, or anxiety. None of this speaks to a productive and engaging workplace!…

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